Meet The Flock – Capone

The Majick Feathers Flock


Capone is a Sulpher-Crest Cockatoo, she is the second longest member of the flock and possibly the oldest believed to be around 25 years old. Capone came to be adopted when she was given to Melissa & Nathan about 20 years ago not long after they got Horus, as her then owner was not able to handle her, and she was being kept in an aviary all alone with little interaction and was becoming very noisy. Capone has been part of the family ever since. Not much else is know about her prior to joining the flock.

Capone was named by her previous owner and was thought to be male. This was proved to be wrong a number of years later when she laid an egg. She is generally a sweet bird that loves attention. About 10 years ago there was a game that Nathan used to play with her where she would run along the floor looking for him and he would hide / go to different rooms of the house for her to find him. This game inadvertently trained Capone into “Stalking” Nathan and biting him on the feet and gained her the nickname “Stalkey”.

Capone is harness trained and has spent most of her life out and about and meeting people ever since joining the flock, Capone loves to get scratches and is usually comfortable when on her harness for people to give her a pat (but only when her humans say its ok). She can be a bit temperamental at times and will give a nip if she feels uncomfortable.

Capone can fly but she is not a confident flyer, this is thought to be a result of her early years being locked in a cage prior to joining the flock. She usually chooses to walk or climb around and of course “stalks” Nathan when on the ground with a funny dinosaur stomp. She targets well and says Hello, Hello Capone & What Ya Doing, she is also currently learning to Station.